Our family friend, Summer's fiance, Amy is battling breast cancer.. They are part of a very creative writing community, so, Summer is creating an Anthology of "love" themed stories, poetry, photography, arts, etc to help raise funds to defray the high cost associated with the necessary aggressive treatment. Amy has endured surgery and is into her chemo and radiation treatments. She is unable to work as much as she would have hoped to and is the provider for multiple families. Summer has also set up a Go Fund Me Account for Amy https://www.gofundme.com/amybrowning
I don't find much time to write these days and my poetry really isn't about love ... unless you take my viewpoint that it is all about love ;-)
Here are a few tangles I've done for Summer to use. Deadline for the anthology is May 9 if you have someting to contribute, contact me and I'll let you know how.
Be well Amy!! We love you!