Friday, April 28, 2017

Coloring Strange Mermaid

So, my daughter told me about this kickstarter for a Weird Mermaid Coloring Book - there was an associated contest to win a pdf copy of the book and I just couldn't resist. Now, I'm attracted to coloring but I really lack restraint and usually I end up using every color and medium I have access to. I decided I need to get a handle on this so I googled "undersea color palette" and chose to use only my Primsmacolor Pencils without any thinner or graphite. I did use a black micron pen to add a few lines I felt needed to be added. I named this little mermaid "Natalie." It was a challenge and I think if I had more time I would have spent more time on the coral reef maybe choosing a few more colors. It's always tempting for me to overwork things; I had to have a limit.

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