Friday, April 5, 2013

Transforming the Spring Forest

Master Chunyi Lin meditating
I am a sucker for biography. Generally, I don't read entry level texts or introductions. But, a biography will suck me in every time. Since I'm planning to return to my home country, Minnesota later this year, I started researching community there. I stumbled upon Spring Forest Qigong. It is the creation of Chunyi Lin. His motto is "A healer is every home and a world without pain."

I'm not without my slightly skeptical side. Early learning is very hard to overcome. But, I have great courage and inspiration now. Born A Healer is Master Lin's book introducing Spring Forest Qigong. The first part of the book is the story of his early life and how he came to be a Qigong master. I'ave wanted to write something but the only words I can utter is "wow" and "Wow!"

If I ever thought my childhood tumultuous or painful; I am humbled by his. What's even more incredible is that someone who endured all that darkness and evil could transform his very soul and spirit into something so loving and healing. The very pages of the book in my hand felt like a blessing. Need proof of a higher power? His life should serve well.

Master Chunyi Lin
I can't really understand it with my brain. My heart tells me that the simple sharing of his story begins the healing process. It is empowering and encouraging once you let go of the deep pain and tragedy. It reminded me of reading Dante's Divine Comedy. I am eager to meet Chunyi. I know I will be able to do little more than smile and send him waves of energy. What could I possibly put into words?

I listen to a lot of these healers and spiritual folk.  Few strike me as genuine. Many are, like myself, on the road or in process of becoming. But, Chunyi has arrived. And, it is such a beautiful, powerful place of genuine love, balance, and strength. It gives me hope.

I'm sure my path will wind through the Spring Forest. Eventually, I'd like to have a practice healing others and teaching them to heal harmonizing the modalities of qigong, Anthroposophical medicine, essential oils, and biography. This is not a new path. I think this is the path I have been on since I was very young. Though I have taken side routes and byways. I feel at this age the universe guides me and I trust it to bring me to where I should be.

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